Computer Setup in Louisville, KY
Also Serving Jeffersonville, IN. New Albany, IN. And Clarksville, IN
So you've invested in a new computer. There's just one problem: You need to have it set up to suit your needs. If you're not up to the challenge of configuring it yourself, let our dedicated team step in and help. We offer thorough and reliable computer setup services for individuals and businesses alike.
Excellent Service
At MR Computer Services, we pride ourselves on our ongoing commitment to excellence and outstanding customer service. When you hire us to set up your computer, you can rest assured that we'll take the time to do the job right. We can transfer your old files to your new computer so that you have easy access to all the data you need. And we'll configure your settings in a manner that makes your computer easy and convenient to operate.
Let the team at MR Computer Services set up your new computer. Call us today to schedule your appointment.